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Chelsea Poe


I showed up on time for QueerPorn.TV and I Loved It!

Chelsea Poe

Trans Femme

Oakland via Grand Rapids, Michigan

Queer, Femme, Dyke, Trans, Submissive, Switch

What makes you queer?
My attractions, my understanding of my own gender, my gender expression and the way i have sex

How has being a queer porn star changed your life?
Its opened up an entirely new world to me. I moved to the bay to become a queer porn star and get lost in the world of sex positivity, kink, and one of the world’s largest queer communities. If it wasn’t for queer porn I can confidently say I would still be shooting porn in friends basements in Michigan instead of making it for queers all over the world to watch. Just knowing that your porn is having an impact of people to feel more comfortable with their own sexuality/bodies is beyond rewarding.

Pitch your life as a reality tv show.
It would be a queerer verison of skins with less drug use and a little more bdsm

What is your favorite sex toy?
Ball Gags

twitter: @chelseapoe666

Tell us about your QPTV scene(s.)
My scene was with the lovely Hayley Fingersmith. It was a total joy to shoot with Hayley and Aja Pop was directing which made it two trans women being shot by a trans woman also editing the footage so it  made it really is a special thing. I believe getting the trans narrative in porn is really important because so often our perspective can get ignored within mainstream porn. This was the first porn scene I ever had anyone get 3 fingers in me which was beyond awesome and something I really never knew i could do. Hayley and I booked this shoot nearly 6 months before we shot and knowing this was going to be one of the first things I did after moving to the bay was really exciting


Hayley Fingersmith and Chelsea Poe



chelsea-hayley-posterRoomies Hayley Fingersmith and Chelsea Poe have some scheduling issues to figure out. You see, every time Hayley wants to get some house head, Chelsea’s busy with her damn video games. Well, I think this house meeting went pretty well. Now all they have to do is figure out who does the laundry tomorrow.

Directed by Cocopop for QueerPorn.TV
Shot by Cocopop and Courtney Trouble
music by Soup



Bailey Jay and Chelsea Poe


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bailey-chelsea-posterWe would be lying if we told you we played it totally cool when Bailey Jay walked into Chelsea’s hip NYC hotel room last month. We didn’t. We were fan girls all the way and Bailey played to our weaknesses, stole Chelsea’s panties and glasses, and everyone’s heart. Both Chelsea and Bailey exclaimed this was the best porn scenes they’ve ever done, and we aren’t going to argue with that. This is magical. This is trans porn’s two biggest stars ditching the playbook and fucking to their heart’s content. We are honored to be the catalyst of Bailey’s budding queer porn exploration and honored to have caught such a gorgeous slumber party. Thanks babes. <3 forever, QPTV

Queer Porn Orgy from Fucking Mystic


orgy-posterChelsea Poe‘s sexual magic has come to a climax, and a hedonistic one at that! As she enters the room, a swarm of gorgeous queers devour her, over come her, and come over her over and over again. With a cast of 17 incredible queer porn performers (listed blow), this orgy is the culmination of a community of stunning, creative, brilliant, beautiful queers come together for a wet and emotional art project.

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chelsea poe, andre shakti, ramses rodstein, james darling, kitty stryker, jeze belle, april flores, betty blac, jiz lee, lyric seal, juba, cinnamon maxxine, b. nefarious, vivian dawn, cyn, ivy dykes, and indigo bleu.

directed by courtney trouble.
shot by courtney, cocopop, and nyc


qptv-banner-akira-joeyWant access to more? Get twice as much queer porn when you use your login at QueerPorn.TV over at IndiePornRevolution.Com, when you’re a Courtney Trouble Fan Club Member!


Sandy Bottoms and Chelsea Poe Play Girlfriends

The Submissive: QPTV Talks with Chelsea Poe


QPTV has been neglecting it’s lovely blog, and we intend to start making up for that right now with an intimate conversation with QPTV director & performer Chelsea Poe about producing her own porn, politics, her love life, and her brand new film The Submissive Mixtape. The interview was given by Courtney Trouble, who distributes and stars in Submissive Mixtape as well – and just so happens to be one of Chelsea’s closet friends.

Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 11.34.54 AMCT: Hi Chelsea!

CP: Hi!

CT: Thanks for sitting down to talk to queerporn.tv. We think you’re awesome, so awesome we decided to revive our blog with the person our members and fans adore the most – you!

CP: Great, yay!

CT: …So what motivated you to become a porn performer

CP: A lot of performers like sasha grey, stoya, you, jiz lee, really inspired me to do porn as more than just like, something for people to get off to. It’s about activism and a lot more of an artistic thing. I didn’t see a lot in trans porn and still really don’t see tons that reflect my sexuality, so i just want to make more so it can be seen more. Trans women and queers can see what they find is hot, in a really positive way.

CT: Are your porn performances similar to your off-camera sex?

CP: Yeah, I think theyre like, identical. I have sex in a very performative way, that’s just part of my sexuality. Maybe that’s why I feel like it’s such an artistic and emotion thing for me, because it’s something that’s integrated into my life.

CT: One thing you’ve spoken a lot about in interviews and social media is porn opportunities for trans women who can’t or don’t penetrate others phallically. Can you speak to why always representing trans women as tops in porn can present a lot of issues for trans women?

CP: There’s the whole idea that our bodies work like men, with these hard cocks that cum huge amounts. I’m happy I squirt a lot while still on hormones, and some women can top – but what usually happens is in porn is that you’re guaranteed to get more work and more money if you can get hard and top, and that easier you go off your hormones. The stereotype motivates people to mess with their hormones and could present a health risk. It’s also just not how all trans women have sex at all, we should have options for how we are seen in porn and also have options in regards to our health.

CT: Yeah, it really seems like that aspect of porn really need to change. It needs to be a little more diverse so that trans women can be represented more fairly in porn. We know you’re a kinky person – how do your feelings about these stereotypes relate to trans kink porn?

CP: Mainstream trans kink porn doesn’t really exist. K*nk.C*m has trans performers, but mostly in scenes where the “kink” is her body, not humiliation or rope or whatever. Maybe you’ll have a trans woman tie a cis girl up and fuck her. Trans women dommes are amazing and that’s so empowering, but when that’s all there is, it’s putting us in this very narrow box of how we can have sex, and it gets to be difficult wether you’re working in porn or a fan of porn.

There’s no images of trans women subbing anywhere, and that’s why i wanted to make this mixtape and elaborate on what little is out there around trans kink. I also think it’s important to show that BDSM doesn’t equal violence from a feminist standpoint. I see Submissive Mixtape as a major step to show that trans BDSM exists and show it in a sexy and healthy way.

Screen Shot 2015-08-23 at 11.35.52 AMCT: How much of Submissive Mixtape is a real life fantasy? Do you feel like it’s what they like to call “an authentic representation of your sexuality?” Do your performances feel “authentic” to you?

CP: Yes – all the BDSM porn I’ve been shooting lately is based on my own fantasies. Porn has been such a safe place for me to explore them. My next project Training of Poe will be all BDSM too.

When you’re doing things you’re actually interested in you’re gonna make better porn. If you’re into it, it’s gonna come across in your work. I feel like if you go into making a movie, looking at what everybody else is doing and try to compete or copy it, that makes things dull. I think going into BDSM is part of something I wanted to do as a performer since I got into the industry.

CT: This whole idea of a performer releasing their own scenes makes so much sense on so many levels. It’s too early to know if Submissive Mixtape will be wildly successful, ignored, or a cult classic since it’s so one of a kind. Do you prefer owning your work and taking that risk of investment on your own to make stuff thats true to you, rather than work for others and hustling for those larger per diem rates? Is there a difference in the quality of your work? Or the quality of your experience at work?

CP: Everything’s really different. Like, if you go into a shoot like My TS Student and they give you a script and you’re doing what the director wants to do – you can have a really amazing time doing that, just being the star! But at the same time  like having so much control over my own work, if i can have it from start to finish. Its a lot more work to do than just showing up for work. You’re working on your own film for nine months, like Fucking Mystic with you and Ajapop, really prepared me to do more on my own.

It’s way more important to me to make my own stuff, but it’s definitely a fun thing when I just get to work for other companies and focus on being a performer.  I just really love creative freedom.

CT: That creative freedom really rings true in Fucking Mystic and in Submissive Mixtape. And it does seem to be centered a lot around kink and various role plays. There’s a little bit of kink in all of your best work. Do you see yourself as fully submissive, or somewhere in between submissive and dominant?

CP: I’ve had a few different doms in my life but i guess I’m a switch. I wouldn’t say I’m fully submissive, I do like topping people sometimes. I’m a sub-leaning switch.

CT: Are you more into being submissive to the mental aspects (humiliation, domination) or physical (bondage, impact play)?

CP: It’s all mental for me. I obviously like bondage and everything, but if there’s no mental thing there, it’s nothing. I think that’s why I’m a great performer, I am focusing on the mental aspects of the situation and the role I’m playing, and I portray everything mentally and emotionally – it’s not just physical. I’m invested and I’m so psychological in my sexuality its really allowed me to portray roles more in porn.

CT: I love that answer so much. What are some of your favorite power dynamics?

CP: I’m really into pretty basic lesbian domination, with a mistress. I’m really into humiliation.

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CT: You look like you’re in heaven in your scene with Nikki Darling, which was directed by our pal Ajapop…

CP: It was a really great scene, really so at the core of my sexuality. Nikki is an amazing performer.

CT: And in your scene I directed of you and Jade Phillips, things get pretty hardcore and gonzo. We usually associate these kinds of camera angles and movement to be associated with mainstream porn. How can mocking mainstream porn in a queer context be a good thing?

CP: I think its great when you start to mix all the things that influence you. It gives you something new that people haven’t thought of. If you wanna see two trans people fucking in a really traditional mainstream porn setting like, most people would never really think to make that happen. Creating things like this scene that are also really creative and everyone’s involved, then you get something pure and real and actual art. Reaching for influences outside your norm is important.

It is really strange to see my work doing as well as bigger titles but then see that it’s such a different fan base that’s into it.

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CT: Well yeah and this is QPTV you’re talking to so you’re like, the goddess of this website.

CP: It’s so cute and such a fucking dream

CT: Everyone who reads this is your fan! (Or a stalking TERF, or someone with a lot of jealousy issues checking up on yr shit, as they do…)

CP: haha, there’s always someone who has heard enough from me.

CT: im not sure QPTV fans will ever get enough of you. this is like, your world. what do you wanna see happen next? what can your fans get up to?

CP: i would say… support trans queer porn performers and support porn that’s unique, it’s really important.

CT: In your scene with FoxHouse you’re convinced into sucking a cis mans cock on camera. Was this your idea? Did you enjoy it?

CP: Yeah, this has been one of my fantasies for a really long time. It does go back to lesbian BDSM, I guess that’s how my queerness comes out. I like being forced to do straight things or told to do things in general. I had a forced straight fetish for a long fucking time, and it was one of the hottest things to actually be able to fulfill it. It was amazing. I really loved it. And, I feel like there was a little take on the complicated term “gold star lesbian.”

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CT: It doesn’t show a whole lot of maturity or security of self that you would bank on that notion of “gold star” lesbians are somehow more pure because they’ve never interacted with a penis. by questioning “gold star lesbian” you sort of shatter the heteronormativity of that desire binary system. You can be a lesbian and still interact with all kinds of genitals.

CP: Sexuality doesn’t necessarily fit into black and white and neither does gender.

CT: And at the same time it’s still really important for non-binary folks like us to still be able to say, like hey yeah I have and prefer lesbian sex, this is my sexuality, this is the majority of my experience – but also fuck the binary.

CP: I have very lesbian feelings around dating, I’m not sure I would ever date someone who identified as male. I like dating women, I like my girlfriend.

CT: oh.. i didn’t ask anything about our scene. oh yeah. ps. totally forgot that we have a scene together in submissive mixtape and i feel like qptv fans would be really pissed if we didn’t talk about it.. soooo

CP: i wanna give no comment on that i think they have to watch it. theres no way to sum that scene up



CP: watch the porn.

CT: alright fans you heard it hear first, you know what your assignment is!

foxhouse being deliciously tortuous to chelsea in submissive mixtape

foxhouse being deliciously tortuous to chelsea in submissive mixtape

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Kitchen Slut: Jade Phillips and Chelsea Poe


Chelsea Poe adores the domestic bliss of scrubbing the floors, but not quite as much as she loves getting controlled and dominated by Jade Phillips on her kitchen floor. This hypercolor BDSM romance was conceptualized by Courtney Trouble, shot by Ajapopfilms, and brought to life by the incredible Jade Phillips and the happy kitchen slut herself.

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qptv-banner-akira-joeyWant access to more? get twice as much queer porn when you use your login at QueerPorn.TV over at IndiePornRevolution.Com, when you’re a Courtney Trouble Fan Club Member!


Cinnamon Maxxine, Chelsea Poe, Emerald X File



Kicking off a whole new season, QueerPorn.TV excitedly introduces the first excerpt from SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN 4, the highly anticipated follow up to Courtney’s breakthrough film series. Seven amazing queer performers, mixed and matched however they please!

Excerpt Number One stars 7MIH alum Cinnamon Maxxine alongside QPTV faves Chelsea Poe and Emerald X File. This scene is hyperactive techno-sex, with Emerald getting to be bratty and powerful and submissive while Cinnamon and Chelsea give her a ton of explosive orgasms! This really is the best of the best, as will be the whole series. Can’t wait? The whole film is available for download now through our store.

Member’s Only: Watch Cinnamon, Chelsea, and Emerald Now!

Click on the icon in the corner to watch this full screen!

Free: Watch SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN 4 trailer

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Nikki Darling & Chelsea Poe



In our favorite queer porn play space, we are invited to watch Chelsea Poe get completely humiliated, dominated, and fucked by the great Mistress Nikki Darling.

By Chelsea Poe, Ajapornfilms, and Courtney Trouble

Check out Chelsea Poe’s Submissive Mixtape anthology film.

Chelsea Poe, Nefarious, & Ruckus


In this groundbreaking scene, two boys hungrily make out and suck each other’s cocks while trans porn star Chelsea Poe takes advantage of their horniness in her own ways. Featuring a powerful internet orgasm by Chelsea that leaves her a little cross eyed, as well as a simultaneous double cum shot from the boys, Ruckus and Nefarious!  get the film Fucking Mystic here to see what made these friends so damn horny for each other!

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Emerald X File, Joey Minx, and Chelsea Poe




Another great scene from Seven Minutes in Heaven 4! Emerald and Joey take over and tease Chelsea all the way to climax!

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Chelsea Poe’s Slumber Party Anal Destruction!



Chelsea invited her friend Betti over for a slumber party, only to get herself caught being a brat and told to shut up before getting punished with a giant strap on and a face sitting session. This is sexy, flirty rough sex with a strong foundation of consent and communication. Bettie doesn’t settle for anything less than a completely ravished Poe – and Poe thanks Bettie with a beautiful assisted masturbation finale.

Shot by Courtney Trouble and Ajapornfilms

chels-betti-1 chels-betti-2 chels-betti-3


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Chelsea Poe and Courtney Trouble: Daddy’s Girl



Chelsea Poe and Courtney Trouble are known for their highly charged on-set chemistry, and this femme daddy scene is no exception. With a kink for doing it in front of friends, trying new things, and putting on a show, this couple is right at home at the NYX MIX Experimental Queer Film Festival, fucking in an art installation in front of a crowd of Brookyln babes. In the end, Courtney takes a facial from her horny submissive, just to make it extra pervy.

Shot by Jacqueline Mary.

Sinn Sage & Chelsea Poe


Sinn and Chelsea met up in Vegas to fuck each other’s brains out – and they captured the entire thing! This scene is shot mostly in POV format HD, from the points of view of Sinn and Chelsea. They both take turns with strap on’s and cum harder than you can even imagine!!


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Girls Rule Boys Drool


Face Fucking The Handyman

Trouble and Chelsea Poe corner their handyman Nefarious and start shoving gorgeous strap on cocks into his mouth. He submits immediately and begging sucking us each off. We move to the bedroom where we blindfold him and play bratty bedroom games, making him guess which cock he is sucking on, making him gag, and getting that drool of his everywhere. We turn him into a pathetic little pretty boy with two cocks in his mouth. You can hear us humiliating him and giggling, and there’s some great POV shots and close ups of him gagging and drooling on our big strap on dicks.

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Chelsea Poe Fetish Solo



…You Want This… You Love This…

In a black bath bombed out bath, Chelsea Poe is transfixed on a shiny black dildo she must suck and fuck, and in doing so, she makes you want to fuck yourself hard and cum as hard as she does. perhaps, a little bit of the camerafemme’s coaxing will help you both along… About as pervy as a solo can get and perfect for “Queer Wrath Month!!!”

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Blake and Chelsea Poe: The Velvet Touch


An epic collaboration in London brings QueerPorn.TV director Chelsea Poe and Dreams of Spanking owner Blake (aka Pandora Blake, pronoun they!) together in a bright, lofty library full of sexy books. But these two are a quick read to one another, with Blake squirting within 30 seconds of getting thier cunt caressed by Chelsea. What kind of Dreams of Spanking scene would this be without spanking? We’re not sure, but thankfully we didn’t have to find out – Blake spanks Chelsea until she’s red in the face and well as behind. Shot and directed by Courtney Trouble post art school.

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Porny: Sinn Sage, Chelsea Poe, Courtney Trouble


In Fucking Against Fascism, you get to experience this threesome in a kaleidoscopic collage that strengthen it’s Nixon-era business hotel debauchery theme. For QueerPorn.TV you get to see the uncut threesome in all it’s hardcore glory, as these three queer porn superstars go for each other’s bodies with hunger.

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Sneaker Sluts


Chelsea Poe and Felicia Fisher hook up and discover they both share a fetish for cummy sneakers, so Felicia gets Chelsea turned on and fucks her in the ass until she’s ready to cum all over those pretty pink sneeks 😉

Maya Mayhem and Chelsea Poe


Maya Mayhem returns to QueerPornTV to match up with new school trans lesbian icon Chelsea Poe. The two hit it off and adorable sparks fly as these two play with vibrators and anal strap on toys.

Shot by Courtney Trouble

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